Monday 30 September 2013

HF Henry Ford study


1.  Tylenol No.3 p.r.n.
2.  Colchicine 0.6 mg b.i.d.
3.  Cozaar 100 mg a day.
4.  Lasix 20 mg as needed.
5.  Glipizide 5 mg a day.
6.  Insulin.
7.  Metformin 850 mg b.i.d.
8.  Vytorin.


REASON FOR CONSULTATION:  Evaluate patient with knee pain to advice on management.

PATIENT’S CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Bilateral knee pain.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Patient is a 75-year-old African‑American female who has had knee pain off and on for years.  Symptoms are getting worse.  She is able to walk in shopping malls but only go a certain distance.  Then she has to sit and rest.  Patient finds her level of activities becoming more and more restricted.  The use of ibuprofen is associated with stomach upset.  Minimal pain relief with the use of Tylenol No.3.  No pain at rest.

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:  No current cough or shortness of breath.  No swelling in the legs.  No abdominal pain.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:  Diabetes and hypertension.

VITAL SIGNS:  Weight is 227 pounds, blood pressure 144/77, with a pulse of 102, temperature 98.5.
MUSCULOSKELETAL:  No swelling in the joints of the hands, the wrists, the elbows.  There is limitation of motion of the cervical spine.  In the lower extremity, no pain with range of motion of the hips.  Both knees lack hyperextension.  They were slightly warm to touch when compared to mid shaft and tibia.  No anterior knee effusions.  No lateral instability.  Joint line is not tender.  No pretibial edema.

IMAGING STUDIES:  Weightbearing radiographs of both knees were obtained today and reviewed with the patient.  There is obliteration of the medial tibiofemoral joint spaces bilaterally.

IMPRESSION:  Osteoarthrosis, both knees.

MEDICAL DECISION MAKING:  I recommend knee replacement surgery.  Anything else, at this point in time, will probably be futile.  However, patient does not want to consider surgery.  Therefore, I referred her to the Osteoarthritis Clinic at the Center for Athletic Medicine for their management expertise.


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